
GcMaf & Amanda Mary



Holistic Cancer Researcher Amanda Mary Jewell the full story of why she is in danger!!

Holistic Cancer Researcher Amanda Mary Jewell the full story of why she is in danger!!

Urgent Message! Holistic Healer Receives Death Threats! GcMaf Amanda Mary Jewell:

Urgent Message! Holistic Healer Receives Death Threats! GcMaf Amanda Mary Jewell:

GcMAF quack autism treatment – with video

Website link:

Posted by: Emma Dalmayne

GcMAF quack autism treatment – with video

blood testGcMAF, I have known about it for a while and autism rights campaigner Fiona Oleary (see video at the bottom of this article) has been extensively campaigning against it for over a year. All I knew of it was that it was being touted as a miracle cure very much like MMS, a cure all from everything from Cancer to Ebola.

It’s now more frequently as of late being targeted at Autistic children.

I found out that it’s name GcMAF stands for Globulin Component Macrophage Activity Factor. It’s a human blood product, consisting of vitamin D binding protein macrophage activating factor. It inhibits the immune system in the hope that something kicks in and rids your child of their autism, as if it’s somehow external to them and not in fact, their neurological make up.

It’s advised to be administered by parents who by large have no medical training by IM Intramuscular injections. It’s also available in creams and now more recently, yogurts.

It can be anyone’s blood as its unlicensed and side affects which are classed as detoxification are rashes, fever, aches and pains, excessive urinating and sweating and a blocked nose. As its GcMAF causing these affects they will continue thus starting the cycle identical to MMS, the symptoms do not disappear so they are advised to continue the treatment.

It is illegal to market it and warnings from Cancer Research and a Government Press Release have been issued.

GcMAF has not been properly studied in clinical trials and its laboratory results still need to be confirmed independently. So far, all claims on the efficacy of this product have no solid scientific basis. Its marketing is illegal; therefore there is no controlled guarantee on the quality of the product for human consumption sold over the internet.

Public warning issued by the Anticancer Fund

In Feb 2015 Guernsey  medicinal regulators banned importation of it and issued a warning. Investigators from the MHRA did an unannounced inspection of a production site in Cambridgeshire that supply First Immune. They found that the production site did not meet the criteria for GMP Good Manufacturing Practice with concerns relating to sterility of the medicine being produced and the equipment used. More then 10,000 vials were seized. The blood plasma starting material being used to make this drug was stated “Not to be administered to humans or used in any drug products.”

Looking more deeply into it I decided to contact First Immune the online company owned by David Noakes who was interviewed on the One Show several months ago.

I phoned up and stated I wished to purchase some GcMAF for my child and asked for information to be sent regarding it, I then phoned again asking for more reassurance and asked for a success rate quota of ‘recovery’ from Autism.

I was sent in an email the following information:


“We came to your clinic with our 5 and a half year old daughter on 16th February, initially for one week. She was diagnosed with HFA autism when she was about 3 years old, but we have been noticing also a lot of symptoms from ADHD spectrum. Our main issues were high hyperactivity, low concentration, low flexibility, moodiness. She even had problem with accepting her name.

“After two weeks using the protocol, she is no longer ADHD! She can concentrate on tasks, is more interested in things and is more patient. Each day we go for a walk in the afternoon and she is walking with us with smiling and talking. We feel like a normal family now, like all the other normal families.

“She is not so stubborn anymore, much more flexible. She now likes her name.! It is great!

“It is really nice to spend time at home when your child is not screaming, running, crying all the time!

“We recommend the GOleic protocol to every family because we really believe in its power!”

The price list and advice of dosage:

The dose for an Autistic child starts low and increases as described on the website. As the product lasts longer than the 8 weeks we suggest a number of measure doses be drawn into small syringes and frozen till needed.

Perhaps 10% of autistic children react badly to having their immune system rebuilt.

One 2.2ml vial is 450 euros, plus 60 euros for shipping per order.

For that reason a child starts at 0.03ml, with a second 0.03 dose in three days, to build up to a twice weekly 0.1ml dose as soon as possible. The final dose is dependent on body weight.

The closer to adult size, the closer to the 0.25ml adult dose they should go.

Many autistic children have very high levels of vitamin D3, and low levels of vitamin D2. We do not recommend vitamin D3 in autism without a vitamin D bloodtest.

And lastly a recommendation for a clinic stay:

Out of the 152 participants who have given us feedback, 120 had improvements and 32 saw no improvement.

In our clinics we get excellent results with autism. Some autistic children show improvements as soon as the second day at our clinic.

At the core of the treatment is The Goleic Sonography Protocol.

60% of autistic children’s parents say their children saw huge improvements or went back to normal school, often with as little as 5 days in the clinic.

Now considering I could be a genuine parent asking for this product with no medical training of how to administer an IM this is terrifying.

The fact that this is not meant to be for sale at all is even worse. They are giving out advice to vulnerable people and potentially injuring children in the process. While they are clear that they do not provide medical advice, their literature appears very scientific and authoritative.

“We are biomedical scientists and manufacturers, not doctors. We are therefore not allowed to give medical advice. We have opinions, which you are free to discard, but nothing we state in this email or elsewhere is to be taken as medical advice. Please see a doctor if you require medical advice.”

This product is also being used in conjunction by many parents with MMS.

Yet another barbaric practice being pushed at autistics, if you have ever been the recipient of an IM you will know how painful they are, and they are being given for no reason.

When will these parents understand that their children are autistic and that they were born autistic? That when they die they will be autistic?

A modern day tragedy.

Holistic specialist and Cancer researcher left for Dead on Vacation

Website link:

“Wait, what?” we exclaimed. “Notanother torture-porn horror movie hoeing the well-rutted row of Hosteland Turistas!?”

Words cannot express our relief to discover that the histrionic headline actually adorns a blogpost from one Amanda Mary Jewell, autodidactSenior Cancer Researcher… she is on a working holiday in Dominica but is sensing a mood of hostility among the Dominicans, who unfairly suspect herto be an exploitative grifter. Through her blog she pleads with the UK authorities for declarations of her non-grifterhood, which would greatly increase the comfort of her sojourn in Dominica while she scopes out locations for an Alt-Health cancer clinic there, safe from UK and US regulatory busybodies.

All this might come as news to those of us who last heard of Amanda and Doug Jewell only 6 weeks ago when UK Trading Standards officials dropped in on a multilevel-marketing seminar at their manor-house in Farnham, Surrey. Which may not be the buckle of the Stockbroker Belt but is at least the third hole. The visit attracted more than the usual amount of media attention as the seminar was devoted not to tupperware, nor Avon cosmetics, but rather to promoting industrial-bleach enema kits, for treating cancer or autism by burning out the intestines of the patient. Also it was held under the auspices of the Genesis II Church… this being an organisation that was founded in the hope of bringing industrial bleach under the aegis of Religious Freedom with the enema as its sacrament.

Reports of the investigation in the UK tabloid press — with their predictably prurient focus on the whole ‘enema’ aspect — are evidently what inflamed the imaginations of the child-like, easily-led Dominicans, so if Ms Jewell dies in a native uprising or is sacrificed to their giant ape deity then it will all be the fault of Trading Standards, first for the Surrey investigation, and then for not proclaiming her to be innocent of everything.

It emerges that in the interim Ms Jewell has experienced a Road-to-Meniscus conversion, and left the Church and its clyster communion behind her. In its place she has discovered (and this is what brings the whole hairball of a story into the purview of Riddled) the panaceal properties of GcMAF (You would not believe the paperwork involved inchanging every “MMS” reference in the website replacing a”.com” website with one at WordPress). Hence the move to Dominica and the plan to spread the gospel of the healing protein with a chain of clinics across the Caribbean.

Jewell noted she will be in Dominica probably until mid August and then go on to Antigua where she is also working on a project similar to the one she is hoping to set up in Dominica.

Amanda is greatly concerned about the Great Culling of GcMAF grifters. Will she become the next victim?

One thing we know about dystopian future gubblements is that they  broadcast ‘killing as an organised sport’ as a Reality-TV series, aspanem-et-circenses to distract the masses. This always happens. It must be a tradition, or an old charter or something. Just saying, if it becomes GcMAF-dealers versus Big Pharma wet-teams, I will watch the hell out of that series.

Though if someone wants to re-make The 10th Victim they might need someone younger than Ursula Andress to play the part of Ms Jewell.

Anyways… the Bulgarian hotel / spa ‘Pearl Lodge’ — where formerly the Jewells hosted dying guests on package tours where they experienced a restorative health regimen ofskiing, exercise, waters and underground-bunker survivalism (and bleach enemas) — now serves as an entry point for importing “second generation GcMAF”from the Saisei-Mirai manufactory in Japan* and distributing it across Europe. See, all above board! Though Amanda is loath to supply UK customers with the Saisei-Mirai product, instead referring them to Perhaps this is a matter of professional courtesy. Readers may remember 1stProEngineering as being one of the tangled skein of companies set up by Trevor Banks and Lesley Hutchings, to on-sell versions of GcMAF-labelled products — sourced from FirstImmune but diluted or homeopathic but enhanced withcolloidal silver or Emu oil.

Meanwhile Ms Jewell is intent on convincing the Dominicansthat industrial bleach is no longer part of her artistic practice business model (although she will not go so far in her apostasy as to condemn the Genesis Church outright, for it does good work in the area of forcing bleach into children’s intestines). Also:

  • Her only association with the Church’s activities was to provide a room in the Farnham mansion for the use of Arch-Bishop Mark Grenon to exercise his Bishopric.
  • It wasn’t even her mansion, but someone else’s, where she and Doug were merely visitors themselves.
  • The investigation of the seinar by authorities was totally not a raid with all the negative connotations of that word; in fact she personally invited the inspectors in for a friendly chat.

The comment threads of theDominica News Online reportageare a thing to behold, as lively as maggot-ridden meat, with a swarm of new commenters leaping to Ms Jewell’s defense and vouching for her sterling work with orphans. I am not making this up.


* The Saisei-Mirai chain of cancer clinics in Japan offer an eclectic, non-judgemental portfolio of long-abandoned pre-chemotherapy treatments including Laetrile, Ukrain and Coley Toxins, as well as cutting-edge woo and their own special patented GcMAF-labelled product. They make enough money to buy a 2012 special issue of Nature, with 5 pages of advertorial for the chain’s therapeutic options though the issue seems to have been recently unpublished from the Nature website.


Nature attacks you and Nature heals you

Website Article:

Things that HAPPEN, they are the worst kind.

Despite one or two less-than-optimal experiences with the carnivorous plants and the Evolvamat, we are not easily discouraged here at RiddledResearch Laboratory. The triumphant onward marchshamble lurch of Science will continue for as long as replacement lab technicians keep answering our Situations Vacant ads.

Despite a name that is redolent of the homeopathic pharmacopeia, it turns out that “Carnivora” is not a highly-diluted preparation of big cats, rabid mustelids, pinnipeds and hyaenas,* to be taken as a counter-agent to the effects of partial consumption by tigers. It is in fact, as we learned from RI commenter Lighthorse — kindling our interest in this research direction — a cancer nostrum extracted from Venus Flytraps. It is promoted through websites and radio as a cure for Ronald Reagan’s colon polyps.** Or something like that. At last, a cure for people who find themselves turning into a dead presidential colon polyp!

Evidently “Carnivora” was patented by Dr Helmut Keller in 1987,

who based it on his own theory that carnivorous plants, which can break down primitive epithelia, might be able to reduce malignant tissue.

It shows no benefit in clinical trials [other than Dr Keller’s own56% cure rate]. OTOH, high enough concentrations apparently slow tumour-cell proliferation in vitro… as indeed does lye, and spilled Spiced Parsnip Scrumpy (which is why we now encourage Another Kiwi to finish his pint before returning to the Riddled biological-containment facilities after morning tea-break). This is enough to convince the magical-thinking enthusiasts that it must be enhancing the test-tubes’ immune responses, and to step up production, the industry now consuming enough of the protected Dionaea muscipula to spur new methods of cultivation.***

Imagine, then, the curative potential of Fresh-Pressed Triffid Juice, available soon, only from Riddled!

By the way, there is a vacancy for a lab technician. Interested readers with the appropriate skills should contact the Riddled Research Laboratory.

* Not to be confused with some other Big cat / rabid mustelid products which certain staff members are said to smoke, which is only a rumour, and anyway it’s only when the supply of dried leeches runs out.

** The “Reagan-cured-by-clandestine-visit-to-German-cancer-clinic” mythologem is potent and versatile. As first invented by Andrew Scholberg, scuzzbag grifter “medical journalist and health freedom advocate”, the German crank purported to have cured Reagan’s cancer in 1985 was Hans Nieper; the Gentle Healing Alternative Modality he used was hyperthermia: and the proof of the story was the absence of evidence for it, demonstrating the effort invested in the cover-up. But cranks gotta crank, and Nieper had pioneered any number of Gentle Healing Alternative Modalities… so the story quickly metastasised so that in some tellings around the campfire the cure was achieved with cesium chloride, and in others it wasmistletoe, or Laetrile, and now the Carnivora dealers claim the credit (while the list of patients who had bought clandestine cures from Nieper expanded to include every US celebrity and the entire staff of the FDA and AMA).

Then Nieper died, leaving the story just lying there forother dirtbag scammers to dust off, file off the serial number, and replace Nieper’s name with their own. Easier to steal someone else’s bullshit than make up their own. Because if they weren’t lazy easy-option-takers then they wouldn’t be cancer-scam lowlife.

In another development of the mythologem, it is an article of faith within the crank catechism that Reagan was alsocured by Dr Charles Simone [tenured Complementary Medicine crank; an exponent of supplement pills, shark cartilage and self-promotion], who was the double secret probation White House Oncologist, or

was stuffed into a grocery truck and made his entrance into the white house through the backdoor where deliveries are made

Or both.

*** The “Carnivora” website is perhaps the only snake-oil company to provide e-mail addresses for contacting dead staff members.


Abuse yes it’s abuse

Website article:

It’s abuse. Yes it’s abuse. There are so many other words that I could use, they are not polite words but they too are appropriate in the situation. Abuse is a fitting word. What other word could there be for it. What other word can there be for marketing such things. What other word can there be for prescribing such things. What other word can there be for using such things. And what other word can there be for using such things on your very own child. Your very flesh and blood.

child-334309_1280How can such things be. How can one come to such a place where they feel it is okay to inflict abuse on the child they birthed, the child they brought into the world through an act of love and intimacy. That a mother grew and nurtured in their very own body. That being that shares their very genetic make up. How can this be. I can call it nothing other than an act of abuse.

How does it get to this point. I simply can not fathom tat such things could ever be countenanced by a parent.

How have we got here.


Where is here, and what is this I speak of you may be wondering. I speaks of situations where children are fed industrial bleach both orally and anally. Where this is done again and again. Where this is done to the point that a child’s intestinal lining falls out with their faeces. Where irritation and pain is obvious. How have we become a world where this happens?

To state that this makes me angry is something of an understand. It drives me into a state of anger that is so very hard to describe. It drives me to action. I am privileged to be a part of a group of fearless activists speaking out about this. It is an honour and a privilege to stand with them against this abuse. But the question remains how in fuck did we actually get here.

Yes. there is no denying that we are indeed in a terrible place. The question we must answer as part of the solution is how we got here. A battle against this is a two pronged battle. On the one hand we are fighting on the cold face of these terrible treatments. Against Miracle Mineral Solution or Chlorine Dioxide. GcMaf, Chelation, hyperaric Oxygen chambers, questionable stem cell, faecal transplants (yes that is a thing). On the other front we have the battle of the hearts and minds. The battle against pathologising, language of holocaust and epidemic, peak groups cashing in on the characterising of disease, disorder and the search for a cure.

As long as we have to fight on this second front we will never completely win the first front.

Whilst we have a situation where myths of vaccination causing autism continue abound in the face of mountains of evidence dispelling the myth. Whilst we have a situation where the peak bodies such as Autism speaks characterise autism as a terrible thing coming to take away your child and destroy your family. Whilst we have the continued media reports of autism as always something less, as if it is in fact some kind of sub human form of being. Whilst we have all of these things we will always struggle to defeat crackpot, snake oil so called cures peddled by pervasively slimy salesmen and women like Jim Humble, Amanda Mary Jewell, Kerri Rivera, Leonardo Edwards to name a few.

ball-and-chain-851439_1280It’s no question these treatments have been exposed for what they are. Industrial bleach, products derived from unfit for human blood products, experimental, unregulated and unapproved treatments. It is that simple. MMS for example has been exposed by multiple labs for what it is, extremely toxic industrial bleach at levels more than 500 times safe for human consumption.

I don’t see how it is ever excusable that these treatments could ever be condoned, and ever be administered by parents on their children. I just don’t, they simply can’t they are simply abuse. Nothing other than abuse. These parents should be prosecuted and face the full force of the law for what they have done to their children.

Having said this though, I do say, that if the dialogue was changed by the peak bodies, the media, if acceptance of autistic people as a normal variance of humanity was real, then such treatments would never be sought after for these children to begin with.

The message is clear. Autism is a developmental neurological difference. Autism Spectrum Difference. It’s not a disease. It is not a disorder it is a difference. It is time for peak bodies to stop throwing millions of charitable dollars after a cure that will never be found. Because we do not need a cure. We are not sick. We are different we are not less.

Change the language, change the dialogue, change the reporting and perhaps we can stop the terrible abuse being perpetrated on people for no other reason than they have a different neurology. #DifferntNotLess #IDontNeedACure #ActuallyAutistic

Originally posted at


Website link:

Amanda Mary Lies Again!

Amanda Mary Jewell owner of “MotherNatureandYou” says she never sold MMS.

Knee deep in it and running from the Heat!

Newspaper article:

A British woman, who is being investigated in Britain for selling potions containing bleach as a “miracle cure” for cancer and autism over the internet, has reportedly fled to Dominica after authorities began a probe into her activities.

It is reported that Amanda Mary Jewell hopes to set up shop for her controversial alternative medicine business in Dominica.  According to published reports in The Express in the UK, trading standards officials in Britain raided her £3-million home in Farnham, Surrey, last month and warned her that it was against the law to offer unapproved treatments for cancer.

A photo from Facebook showing Jewell in Dominica. Photo courtesy

It is further reported that she spends time at her home in Surrey and her “healing clinic” in Bulgaria where she dispatches her “medicine” to customers around the world. Now it appears that Jewell is in Dominica where she has been posting photos of herself on Facebook and posting videos on YouTube (see below).

“I am in Dominica looking at opening a new centre,” she said in a Facebook post.

But advocates of Autism and cancer are sounding the alarm that Jewell is posing a danger because of a medicine she sells called MMS ( Miracle Mineral Solution ), which is described as “a toxic bleach solution.” Autism advocate and founder of ART (Autistic Rights Together) based in Ireland, Fiona Oleary, told DNO that Jewell is dangerous.

“She is making huge profit from experimenting on Autistic children and also those who are suffering from serious illness such as Cancer and AIDS,” she told DNO via email. “She is a member of this cult the Genesis II Church and people are suffering awful side effects from ingesting these unregulated and dangerous ‘Treatments.’ Autistic children are suffering horrific side effects including Renal failure, internal bleeding, vomiting and diarrhoea daily, hair loss, boils and burns on skin, and much more. In Ireland criminal investigations have begun into parents using MMS on their Autistic children and also into those selling MMS. The authorities in the UK are investigating Amanda Mary Jewell …”

She said Jewell fled to Dominica to avoid the police and prosecution. MMS itself has been covered by a number of international news organizations such as the BBC, ITV and NBC. All have concluded that the ‘alternative’ medicine is dangerous.

For the time being it is unknown which part of Dominica Jewell is located. Dominica News Online will contact health authorities on this matter as to whether they are aware of the presence of Jewell in Dominica and her plans to sell this alternative medicine here. Article courtesy See videos below on Mary Jewell in Dominica


‘Miracle cancer care’ church Genesis II hits out at authorities over seminar

Newspaper article:

A church allegedly marketing a banned miracle cure has hit out at police and trading standards for their heavy-handed presence at a seminar in Farnham earlier this month.

Nearly 30 people attended a secret meeting of the US-based Genesis II Church, held at the home of Farnham resident and church member Amanda ‘Mary’ Jewell on June 12.

It was alleged the church would be supplying MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) at the seminar. Similar products supplied by other groups have been described as a fierce concoction akin to bleach, which is banned by the Food Standards Agency (FSA).

However, the church claims MMS can cure all manner of ills, including cancer, HIV and malaria.

Officers from Surrey County Council’s Trading Standards department and Surrey Policeattended the meeting after intercepting a number of attendees at Farnham railway station, where those interested were told to gather to be taken to the meeting, on the evening of June 12.

Google Street View

Posting on the MMS News website on Saturday (June 20), Archbishop Mark Grenon said Trading Standards later “broke into’ Ms Jewell’s house and disrupted the service – which he said violated the church’s ‘religious rights”.

The officers were invited to return after the service to discuss the matter, which the church filmed and published on MMS News, with the full post republished by Ms Jewell on her own blog Mother Nature and You.

The video shows the officers explain to Mr Grenon while Trading Standards did not attend to intervene in religious matters, it had powers to enforce legislation banning any trade of MMS.

Mr Grenon said Genesis II was a church, not a business, but the officers stressed professions covered by ‘divinity’ were not exempt from the legislation.

On its website, the FSA states: “MMS is a 28% sodium chlorite solution, which is equivalent to industrial-strength bleach. When taken as directed, it could cause severe nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea, potentially leading to dehydration and reduced blood pressure.”

In an email, one of the organisers Bishop Jonathan Grenon told guests that in exchange for $400 (£250), they would be made ‘health ministers’ and would receive a package of ‘sacraments’, including MMS.

In a statement, a spokesman for Trading Standards told the News & Mail that, while there was no evidence of MMS being supplied at the meeting, officers were still concerned people were being ‘misled’ and wished to remind the church of the legislation banning MMS.

Anyone who attended the event is still urged to contact Trading Standards on 01296 388771.

A spokesman for Surrey Police confirmed the force did attend the event on June 12, but stressed Trading Standards had taken the lead on the investigation, adding: “The role of Surrey Police was to attend to prevent any breach of the peace.”

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